GT Digital goes partying with Music TV and YouTalkingToMe at the Retro Club
What happens at parties doesn’t stay at parties with GT Photo Kiosks.
Actually, it goes all over the social world.
That was the new Social Project at the Retro Club by GT Digital. A custom “YouTalkingToMe” App was developed, enabling guests to take snapshots of themselves with their friends through the high res camera built in the kiosks! Guests also had the option of selecting the background of their choice and share their pics on FB. The photo was displayed on the top screen of the kiosks, on the visitors' Facebook wall and on the YouTalkingToMe and Music TV FB pages. GT Digital’s team was present ensuring the smooth running of the promotion.
The results were impressive, as YouTalkingToMe increased its ‘Likes’ by more than 70% while creating a valuable Opt-In database for future promotional campaigns.
GT’s Photo Kiosks created a buzz at the party while engaging visitors with the clients' brands.
You too can use the GT Digital technology to engage with your customers at your events and parties.
Just think out of the box and get creative with GT Photo Kiosks.